her example is, this morning as we were walking to the bus, we passed a food stand near the big market. Simultaneously, we turned around to see what the delicious odor was! After not much debate, we ordered whatever it was that the old man on the seat next to us was having. Juevos, arroz y frijoles with the most delicious salsa you could ever imagine. As we cleaned our plates, two men came up behind us. Before we knew it, they attacked! Just kidding. They did however whip out their guitar and accordion and did some mad serenading. "Amor" Thus the title of today's blog. Stefani at Starbucks (yes, we found another "Starbooks" as they call
it here) told us about a song specific to Guadalajara with that title. It means, the dark-skinned people in my heart, and is a love song to una mujer morena, a "dark-skinned" woman.
Back to our first day though. After our journey to a supermarket we returned to our apartment exhausted. We both promptly fell asleep, though we really didn't mean to since Brother McCasland was coming to get us at 4 to take us to their house for dinner before the meeting. "PSSSSST! PSSSST!" we heard as we awoke from our comas. How embarrassi
ng, especially seeing as how we both were snoring like two elderly, overweight men with sleep apnea! Oh well. We hurriedly got ready and were off. On our way in the cab, we both acknowledged that we were feeling a slight bit overwhelmed by so much culture shock! It was a nice transition to have some salad and spaghetti from Sherry. That's their dog, Lulu, by the way. But the real comfort came later, as we pulled into the kingdom hall parking lot. All our anxieties melted away and we both breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing something so familiar. It really gave us a feeling of a refuge from the overwhelming feeling of not belonging. Finally, we were in a place where we belonged. A place where everyone had the most important thing in common with us. We quickly made friends, and lots of them. Kate wasted no time in outspokenly procuring for us a couple of tour guides! ( they're sisters, I promise)
The congregation was amazing. There are a LOT of younger people, and very spiritual! Most of them are there to help the congregation. Everyone who had a ministry school assign
ment, were doing it for the first time in English! We wouldn't have known though, if the school overseer hadn't announced it. The Bible reading by a younger brother was so full of feeling, so from the heart that we had the feeling as if Paul was right there talking to us. We could feel the love in every word, how appropriate since the reading was about none other than love. Later, as we sang the second song entitled "Here I am, Send Me" we were reminded of what a privilege it is for us to have the opportunity to be here. By the way, brothers and sisters!!! They NEED you here!!! The english congregation that we visited has only 3 elders for its 80 publishers. At this meeting, two were unable to be there and the third, Brother McCasland had to do both of the talks for the service meeting on very late notice. The aforementioned school overseer, Arnie, is a ministerial servant! The majority of the congergation's territories have never been worked. One amazing young sister named Kandi speaks 5 languages (Spanish, English, Russian, Chinese and ASL) Out of these, though, the most needed is English! Although they have difficulties, their work is very productive! They've just started a new congregation with an indigenous spanish/indian dialect.
We've als
o learned that paraguas are a necessity, paraguas are umbrellas. Edie, you'll appreciate this. Every afternoon, right now in fact, clouds roll in, and the lluvia (rain) falls. Yesterday, as we were eating at a restaurant recommended by our landlord, we were able to enjoy this thoroughly as the restaurant had a courtyard where we could watch the rain fall, while being protected from it ourselves. It was beautiful.
Last night after being escorted home by a brother
who lives near us, we fell asleep to the pouring rain. A nice end to a fun, then slightly stressful, then spiritually refreshing day. Now as we sit in a Starbucks watching the rain, we quietly contemplate what the next few days might hold for us. Whatever it is, we like to think of you, our friends back home, working hard for Jehovah and we know that you are obviously thinking of us as well as indicated by the fact that you are reading this now. Until next time, friends, we will stay safe and we will keep in contact.
All of our love,
K3LSO and Kate
What an awesome experience! Jehovah's organization is awesome! The feeling you must have had when you finally met with your family. I am so excited to hear more. You make me want to pack my bags and meet you there. Give our love to the friends there.
Love you guys,
The Twin mom
Well it sounds like you two have been keeping busy! It makes me so happy to hear how well our family is taking care of you. Jehovah truly watches over his people, and it is wonderful you two get to experience all of this first hand!
So I thought the rainy season was last month? Are you planning a day trip to Puerto Vallerta? Let us know how service goes tomorrow. April went out in service today with Keith, Karen and Maddy. I had a doctors appt. and a study with Joanie. Tomorrow we have something TOP SECRET planned, and Friday we are going SHOPPING!!! out of town! Love you two and miss you!
The Poky Mom
and by the way, your adorable Carla!
Starbucks is not the same at all with u gone. I am so happy to hear you are having fun, any ways we are loving reading about your excitement and all the brothers and sisters.
Jehovah takes care of his people no matter where they travel.
Love ya lots ,
Evil Katie
Oh my goodness you two! Yes, I do enjoy hearing about the rain, and I'm SO jealous....about that time (our time) I was...sitting in Calculus! Love you! Hope you're having the time of your life!
PS- I hope you still remember me, Kate with a K!
Of course I remember you Edie, ya dork. Love Kate
Enjoy calculus! Say hi to everyone for me, both of you give each other a hug!
Mucho amor-K3LSO
Hello Katie, I have some minutes to write a quick e-mail. Just wanted to let you know that Im doing ok. Im in Boise with my brother for something that I will mention to you at an appropriate time. Im so excited that you like the life mariachi, that's one of my favorite thing about my country..ehh..A lot of people out in Sep 16 huh? I think is the biggest day in mexico and the best to find ppl in the streets. Its so funny that the pizza comes with salsa packages. Is the pizza any good? Im actually really hungry at the moment and dreaming of being in Mexico with you having some tacos. Te amo and the work that your doing is all for our loving God Jehovah. He takes good care of you and all of us. Im glad your making really good friends,,we can say that your finding friends that truly are good and I get to meet them next year, but if not, then surely in paradise. I have you always in my heart and prayers my beautiful friend. I hope I get the chance to blog a little bit more but right now my use of the internet is limited to almost a minimum. Have fun and keep doing the BEST THING we can do for ppl, sharing the glories good news of Jehovah's fast approaching day. Te amo
Liz you are such a wonderful person! please don't ever change. I love and miss you my oldest daughter and I am praying for you and your family
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