We didn’t end
After the phone guys left, we walked to the bus stop, which is now only about 1 block away, and took the 629 bus to galerias mall. We went to a little shop comparable to Claire’s. Got some cute earrings for really cheap. We had lunch at Chili’s, which we shouldn’t have done, but we were really craving some familiar food. Too bad we didn’t get it! Speaking of which, you know how we told you how everything is different here? Sherry told us we needed to try McDonald’s Desayuno Mexicano (
McDonald’s Mexican Breakfast), which we thought was strange. But we tried it and it was strange. Good, but strange. It consists of 1 English muffin cut in half, slathered with REFRIED BEANS and a slice of American cheese, eggs scrambled with pico de gallo, and a sausage patty. They give you more pico de gallo on the side and at their condiment stand they have a ketchup dispenser and a jalapeño dispenser! We got a picture of their other condiments, though it was impossible to do so without drawing undue attention to ourselves. Yes, those are whole jalapeños and salsa packets.
Anyway, back to the mall. We returned to the Starbucks on the third floor and the one lady rememb
ered us (how could she forget, after all?). Kate asked about work there…get worried friends. A shift supervisor named Jesus gave her a tour of the back and even a coffee passport in Spanish! It’s confusing ordering a drink in Spanish. For example, Kelsey’s drink is called “helado grande soya caramel macchiato.” Oh yeah, they have dulce de leche here. That totally makes up for their lack of zucchini lattes. So we walked the whole mall from top to bottom and noticed a couple of funny things. Check out the creepy mannequins!
It seems as though there’s a slower way of life here. At restaurants, for example, they won’t give you the bill until you ask for it. Well, if you don’t know that, you will sit at the table all day waiting! Th
ey consider it to be very rude to give you the bill without you asking for it. We’ve also noticed that it doesn’t seem like they drink very much soda or water. At petrol stations, they have deals on hotdog and chips combos whereas in the states they would do a hotdog and a drink. Even if you’re at a restaurant that offers free refills on drinks, and that’s a big IF, they won’t refill unless you ask! Sherry said that they feel that a meal is a leisure time and that no one’s in a hurry, so they don’t rush you. However, it isn’t considered rude to call the server over to your table.
Anyway, back to the mall. We returned to the Starbucks on the third floor and the one lady rememb
It seems as though there’s a slower way of life here. At restaurants, for example, they won’t give you the bill until you ask for it. Well, if you don’t know that, you will sit at the table all day waiting! Th
Right now we have the front door open with the screen shut and it’s not only letting in some great cool air but al
With love,
Kate and K3LSO
As I sit here trying to write this Lizzie the wonder pup is racing around like a maniac with a foam roller in her mouth! Kate your little guy is sitting in front of me on the desk hoping I will give him a taste of my oatmeal. Yes oatmeal for dinner. It is ffy night (fend for yourself) and I made oatmeal. Any way I think it sounds like you two are really adapting well to such a laid back life style. The Mc D's sounds very interesting. I hope to some day be able to do something like this. Thank you girls for making it seem like I am right there with you!! Kate if you do go to the local flea market, look for some maracas. Yes your mom is crazy and that is just the sort of souvenier I would love! Take care girls you are in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs to you both!
the Poky mom
Kate-would you please get your mom some maracas already?
It's good to have a day here and there to rest up. Now you are ready to take on those 600+ territories!
Kelsey-Sidney and Tony are getting so big! Tony is so cute and Sidney came and sat on my lap for prayer before dinner. Yes Sidney! We played dominoes and Judy won, of course. Tony took a head dive into the coffee table so we had to keep him awake. It made him a little goofy, but he has a Parker head, so I think he'll be fine. I wasn't home all day and Darcy is driving me crazy for attention so I'd better go take care of him. Love you both and miss you, too.
The Twin mom
Haha! That silly puppy! Mom, I will buy you some maracas don't worry!!! Love and miss you...
Jordan miss Kate :(
Yes i did pick the oldest post to comment on muhahah!
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