When we got back to the Kingdom Hall, there turned out to be only one car for all of us (6). Stil
We walked around a little, which was nice even though we were hurting, because the ground was all even and we didn’t have to worry about tripping on it! There was another Starbucks on the third (yes, third) floor and we got a refreshment there. We, as usual, held up the line with our butchered Spanish and all the baristas gathered ‘round to make fun of the gringas. Kate wanted a pumpkin spice latte (which they don’t have here) but didn’t know how to say it. Irving told the barista what he thought was pumpkin, they said they didn’t have that, Kate said it’s really popular in the States. Then Irving realized that he had actually asked for a zucchini latte. EWWW!!! No wonder they thought we were gross. Anyway, there were lots of chairs there and we sat for a little while to rest up. A cute little girl was playing with the high-tech sign (it’s interactive and touch-screen…really!) and her mom was sitting next to us. So Kate talked to her, she ended up speaking English, and being as she was Catholic, she was very interested in “How well do you know your Heavenly Father?”
The overwhelming sound of a mariachi band filled the mall and, as we got closer to the origin of the fiesta, we saw a real Mariachi band with about 20 members. There were horns, violins, guitars and of course singers. They even did a little dance “para las mujeres” at one point. That was so much fun to watch! After walking around a little more, we realized that a lot of time had passed and it was already 6:30! We took the bus to our side of town and it ended up being the yucky one (route 51) but we still tried to witness to people there although no one spoke any English.
Turns out we got dropped off a little further away from our house than usual and ended up having to walk 8 blocks to get to the restaurant where we wanted to eat. We weren’t impressed with their food, but the view was incredible. Our server had a strange accent, didn’t talk loud enough and couldn’t hear or understand us. Oh yeah, and one of the guys that works there kept sitting at a table and smoking, even though the host assured us there was no smoking in the restaurant. We won’t be eating there again, but at least we tried it! After dinner, we walked probably 8 more blocks to get home. It was getting very dark, but we were very careful. Plus, we were armed with umbrellas which we decided could be considered weapons if the wielder of said umbrella had some sort of martial art training. Keys in hand, we entered the courtyard of our apartment and promptly closed the gate behind us.
Have we told you guys just how hot it is here? Maybe if it wasn’t the rainy season and there was no humidity it wouldn’t be so bad, but it’s like we can’t ever dry off. After several nights of being almost unable to get to sleep for being so hot, Kelsey went and asked Ezra for a fan or something. This fan is awesome and I can’t believe we didn’t think of doing this sooner!
We have tomorrow all planned out. First, we’re going in service until about 2. Then we’ll attend the book study with the McCaslands. After that, we’re going out to Tlaquepaque where Tom is giving the public discourse that they have on Saturdays. Then we’re hitting the discos. Just kidding, but we’ll explore the area and (this one’s for you, Miss Bobbi Bottoms) do a little souvenir shopping. For any of you who don’t already know, Tlaquepaque is the shopping district but we’ll let you know more as soon as we know!!! So, for now, we leave you with this: Ay ay ay ay…Canta y no llores!
Love ya!
K3LSO and Kate
Ah. What a day! and tomorrow will be even better. Please tell the Mcaslands hello for me and I hope some day to meet them. They have obviously been taking good care of you.
Sweet dreams girls:)
The Twin mom
Wow I love reading whats going on it sounds so encouraging!!!
We miss u but are so proud of you both , even though you are tired I bet it is the best tired feeling to have.
Thanks for sharing this with us we love it. I am really craving mexican food:) and I will go get a good coffee and drink it for you Kate you eat some good food for me!!
Love you tons, Evil Katie
Each day gets more exciting!! Kate look for some bright colored maracas for me! Just a short note as we are still doing lots and lots of TOP SECRET stuff. We, Tim,Patti, April and Maddy have been working late last night, and all day long.... interesting stuff. What are we doing may you ask? No, you can't ask I said it was TOP SECRET!! sheesh!
Oh and by the way girls, you being in Mexico has opened up alot of informal witnessing for us! So see you are working for Jehovah in two countries simultaneously!! Love and hugs to you and if you go to the "discos" don't forget to dance like your mama. (Kate you can give K3lsey an imitation lol!)
Love mama rosa the Poky mom
Hi K & K:
Sounds like it's been exciting and it 's getting better and better.
Are you guys coming back engaged?...not to each other but to ones you've met. Kate, your dad is anticipating a catch although I keep telling him you're fishing for something other than "muchachos"...shows how much I know. Have lots of fun and we miss you.
Enough with the bringing back a buea comments. Lol
The Twin Mom
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