Around one o'clock we went to the Kingdom Hall where we found Lesley waiting for another sister to come to meet her for a study. Albert had a study too so, we went to the Tiangis with Marjorie and Irving to do a little informal witnessing/shopping. Yet again, NO you may not ask what we got or for whom! We will tell you that we got awesome deals and really cool stuff. Believe it or not, we did continue our service through all this buying! In fact, Irving talked to a couple of guys from here who spoke very good English. He offered them the Watchtower and Awake which they gladly accepted. Then THEY said, "where can we find you?" Can you believe that? Basically, THEY asked for a return visit! Total roll-reversal for a second! The young man gladly gave Irving his phone number and Irving is going to call him soon to follow up! On the way out we saw some kids with school uniforms. Since most schools here teach English, Kate asked them "¿hablan ustedes Ingles?" The boy nodded his head and said "oui." He got a little flustered but we all laughed. Kate proceeded to give them a Watchtower and Awake which they took most gratefully. We love the people here!
After the Tiangis, Marjorie had to go home. We were within walking distance of our apartment AND our Starbucks, you can guess which we chose first. On the way to Starbucks, Irving decided to break out some killer show-tunes. I (Kelsey) of course had to join in. We sang "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast, then "Good morning Baltimore" from Hairspray. Then Irving started rattling off the song from the end of Grease and lost me. When he moved on to "Hopelessly Devoted to You" Kate got the idea to film him! Pretty smart, eh? He thought she was just trying to take a picture. Irving didn't want to go all the way home and come all the way back for book study, so we let him hang out at our casa. We put on some music (more show-tunes) and danced and sang along together until it was time for us to leave for book study. Anyway, check out the insanity:
We thought it had been exciting so far, but we didn't know the half of what the day held in store for us. We left a little after 7:00 for book study at the Kingdom Hall, about a 15 minute walk from here. It was raining a little, so we took 2 of the McCaslands' umbrellas (we left ours in Marjorie's car) we figured they would be enough since the rain was light and Kelsey happens to be an odd duck. She said "Oh, don't worry about me, I love the rain." Little did she know that by the end of the walk she would be humming quite a different tune, and no, that tune was not "singin' in the rain". (Kate had had it up to here^ with show tunes)
By the time we made it to the street, the downpour had begun. When we say downpour we really mean it. None of this pithy Idaho rain. In 5 minutes we got as much rain as Idaho gets in a year (or so it seemed)! If not, at least as much as Nevada! We tried to shield ourselves, but it was no use. A bus (the Turquesa) drove by and splashed Irving on one side, the rivers along the side walks didn't help the bottom of our skirts, and the rain falling off the umbrellas was not helping the top of Kelsey's skirt... or anything for that matter. When the Kingdom Hall was in sight, Irving said "Okay, let's run". Kelsey, not a fan of running, but also not a fan of being this wet in meeting clothes, finally decided to run for the finish line. (Well, anyone who knows me, can probably guess what happened next... Along the way was a taco stand that had some tile out front. Apparently, in Mexico they're not so strict about those "CAUTION! SLIPPERY WHEN WET!" signs. So, true to form, I fell flat on my back before I even had time to catch myself. TIMBER! In case there had been any part of me that was dry before, that was definitely taken care of now.)
We made our way to the Kingdom Hall only to find that no one was there and the gate was locked (we assumed our Twin Falls/Pocatello Kingdom Hall keys would not help us in this situation). We ducked into a little market and assessed the damage. As we said, Kelsey was SOAKED from head to toe... literally! Kate was only soaked from... knee to toe, and a little on her back. Irving was a little worse than Kate. We waited and waited, finally Kandi (the multi-lingual sister) showed up and ducked inside with us. Then another brother from the book study. Kandi called a brother with a key and he said he was on his way, but there had been an accident due to the rain. Anyway, we finally got in around 8 and started at about 8:20. Afterward, a brother offered us a ride home and you guessed it... human sardines again. Now we're safe at home, dry and clean with full bellies (as has been the norm since we've gotten here) and listening to another storm, but enjoying this one much more than the last.
BIG HUG, little kiss, BIG KISS, BIG HUG,
K3LSO and Kate
PS: Notice how the brother went from composed to, well, you can see him in that last picture. What a crazy dude!
Kelsey I love you. Kate I am sorry, but now that she has someone to back up her love for Broadway, life will be a song. By the way, I love the "Grease" audition. As you can tell, I am feeling a little better asI am getting my sense of humour back. That could be good or that could be bad. Oh, and by the way, i will have you know that it rained here last night, too. It does rain in Idaho. It's been 2 months since the last one, but it rains.
Your Twin Mom (who is praying that you will come home)
Hi! This is April.
OMG! It rained and rained and rained today! I would compare it to Arizona rain but all day long! I'm glad you had fun but I'm quite worried about Kelsey's Broadway side kick... He's hopelessly devoted to who??? YOU! Watch your back! Anyway, now that song is stuck in my head. Everyone is excited about your impending return, including me. So I requested time off for us today for those 3 days next month. Well thats all I have to say right now. Love you both, the most attractive person you know with my name, birthdate, and social security number, April.
(Karla, Shouldn't you be a little worried about this singing relationship? I'm already coming up with damage control. If you want a in, call Delta blue and ask for Cynthia at extention 223 and tell her your with the roses.)
You guys are too too funny! Make sure to tell Irving that his singing was wonderfully entertaining and that we completely enjoyed it! He is quite talented. Are you okay Kelsey? I hope you are not too sore today. We sure do miss you girls and are anxiously awaiting your return! How funny we had Maddy and Crystal over last Wednesday and watched Grease, singing all the songs, very obnoxiously I might add! April mentioned it rained, but it really didn't start until after Tim and I got our two sisters Maxine and Victoria back home after a very good day in the ministry! They are sooo cute together! Yes Kate I drove your car so we could take them out and it made my week to be with them! So thanks for the car loan! (Like you could do anything any!) But I would say we got at least 2 inches of rain today! So Crystal threw out her back and we took her to the doctor and he doped her up, so she is staying here with us till she can manage. I am so glad you two are having a great time!!!! I too am praying that you will come home! lol Just remember you can always go back...but in order to go back you have to come home!
Karla I am so glad to hear you are doing better!
Much love to you girls and all who are reading the blog. Take care and God Bless.
The Poky Pat mom
So....i'm going to pull the sister card here Kelsey, and like April, warn you to watch your back. You saw the skeptical Meryle Streep and look what happened to her.....hopelessly devoted to an embarrasingly awful singer! HA!
Well miss you guys, but hope you're having a great time.
PS- Em and I were in Boise this weekend, it rained pretty much all Saturday and it made us think of you!
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