After we finished with our laundry, we went to our Starbucks and again saw our friend Victoria. In the picture, she’s on the left, and the other girl’s name is Adriana. We studied for the book study (which we’ll be attending tomorrow evening) and then got directions to do
We’re going to take a moment to tell you about last night. After we posted our blog, we were hungry and didn’t know where to eat so we decided to go to the only place we do know: galarias mall. When we got there, we realized that the only food places are American chains which made us very sad. We thought, “Hey why don’t we check out the food court?” On our way up the escalator, we spotted Irving and Andy on their way down the escalator! We exchanged hellos in passing and when they got to the bottom they came back up to greet us properly. We explained our dilemma to them, for which Andy had an excellent solution. “There’s this great hamburger place we could go to,” he said. We were in! We shared jokes, mostly blonde jokes, through
Ok, so back to what happened today. We found another Starbucks at Plaza del Sol, but we didn’t go inside. We ate at this place at the shopping center called Hippos, which we thought was somewhat strange. Kelsey noticed this man sitting at a table behind us who had a horrible Spanish accent. She assumed he was American and we smiled a
Anyway, we finally decided it was time to go, and of course we had no idea which bus to take to get home. We took the server’s word for it and journeyed in an unknown direction. It seemed like things were going well until we got onto our second bus. That’s when things went south, and I don’t mean South Guadalajara! Turns out we were going t
1. Be careful with sharp knives
2. Don’t eat lentil soup
3. Don’t agree to go with strangers to a place called “the Ranch”
All valuable advice, yes, but since none of it was especially helpful in this particular situation, we opted to take Doris Day’s words to heart: “Que será , será .” However it happened, we’re now back at the apartment, listening to some man (we can’t help but think he’s drunk) yelling for someone to let him in the gate. Rest assured that we won’t be letting him in, and don’t worry, even if someone does, he can’t get into our apartment with the two locked doors! But on that note, we will end this lovely post with these crucial words of wisdom: friends don’t let friends have cockroaches take up dwelling beneath their shoes.
Love, as we’re affectionately called here,
The Idaho girls
I have to agree.... don't let any one give you sharp knives, to eat lentil soup with at "the ranch"
Will write more later as I am tired and its late and I have to get up at 4 am to take April to work
Love you girls... take care and dont step on any huge cockroaches!
the poky pat mom
ps Karla I hope your feeling better! :)
Bugs Yuck!!!! I hope none crawl in your suitcase and come to Idaho. That would be way bad. We are headed to Preston to finally sign papers on the selling of our house there. YEAH we are now Preston free. Libby has been very sick with a bad cold, Jazz is doing good, Barry is getting thin the brothers teased him last night at the meeting that he must of stole his suit coat from a fat man, and I am recovering from one of the worst sun burns I have ever had. So kinda boring but I am living through your awesome adventure. Thanks so much for sharing it with us this way. WE LOVE IT!!!
Love always your Evil Katie
HI , its your crazy jazzer sounds like you are having fun hope you haven't had any bed bugs I love you lots hope you are having a lot of fun hey any good mexican candy I have had Japans candy very good I love you lots jazzer
Hello our beautiful Katie sounds like you are having fun wish i could be there with you but i am dyeing on the couch with some kind of illness ewwww lots of icky tissues any way i love you very much so glad you were able to go and do this for jehovah love you lots Libby:)
To the Poky mom. I am feeling better, but still a bit fuzzy and dizzy. I had a bad case of vertigo and let me tell you it's not like any rollercoaster ride I have ever been on. I am going to try to go to work today. Pray for me as I work with lots of money.:)
Anyway, girls once again, you amaze me with your talents. How did you and the boys find each other in a city of 6mil people, that's what I want to know? You have talents that have not been exposed until you went south of the border.
Kelsey-Darcy refuses to wear his collar. This is something you will have to deal with when you get home. I have run out of options.
Being from Nevada I have a whole different idea of what a "Ranch" is so I will pass on that one.
Be careful, I love you, and am so excited to see you in one week. Yay!!!!
A very weak and fuzzy Twin mom
Mom! Not that kind of ranch! Of course we wouldn't go to one of those! But if you would like, we will add that to our list of valuable advice since we really didn't get any from you...Be careful with sharp knives, don't eat lentil soup, don't go with strangers to a place called the ranch AND...Don't ever go to a "ranch" in Nevada with or without a stranger! Thank you. We love you too.
The kind of 'Ranch' I was refering to would be the kind that offers complimentary kool aide. DONT DRINK THE KOOL AIDE!!!!! See you in SLC.
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