The congregation we’re working with has so many territories, and they are very big at that. This picture shows Tom and Miguel trying to figure out where we were supposed to go. Poor guys. Sherry decided that she felt like eating pizza from Costco for lunch, so we stopped there to pick one up after service. While it was cooking, we went inside to score ourselves some free samples. You will never believe what they were sampling! They had Bailey’s Irish cream, Tequila, etc. They didn’t even ask for ID, they just gave us some. “Welcome to Mexico,” Sherry reminded us.
Speaking of which, we wanted to let you all know about some cool things that are specific to Mexico. For example, when the gas truck comes by you can hear what sounds like little kids singing “Zeta, zeta, zeta gas.” Also, there aren’t always set days for garbage pickup, so the way you know when the garbage man is coming is the sound of a cow bell. Yes, you heard correctly…the garbage men here wear cow bells so people hear them coming. That brings new meaning to “I need more cow bell!” (How's that, April?)
We had been planning on going to the Saturday afternoon book study, but it turned out that the sister who’s house it was supposed to be at was out of town. It must have looked strange to the neighbors with so many dressed up people waiting outside this apartment building, talking, laughing, having a good tim
Tom had a talk in Tlaquepaque so they invited us to go with them. We were surprised to see that four different language groups meet at that hall: Spanish, English, Chinese and Japanese. When we got there, the Japanese meeting had just ended and we got to meet a sister who is a Special Pioneer from Japan. After the meeting, it started to rain and we were very glad we had remembered our umbrellas! By the time we got to the middle of town, the streets had started to flood. When we finally found a parking place, the streets were full with rain and we had to watch where we went because cars were driving by, splashing walls of water in their wake.
We went to eat at Sherry’s favorite restaurant El Patio. It is, as Sherry says, “very Mexican.” It was fantastic! We spent a little more time walking around downtown where there were lots of shops and restaurants. By the way everyone, Kate got married today in Tlaquepaque! That’s the real reason we’re so late. You know wedding arrangements, they take FOREVER. Included is a picture of Kate and her new hubby. What a HUNK
Inside a courtyard, there was a restaurant with something like an over-sized gazebo, called a kioska, in the middle. In the gazebo was yet another real Mariachi band (with a muy muy cute singer by the way). This one was really good and they were taking song requests. After observing (and appreciating) some boys break dancing, Tom and Sherry were ready to turn into squash (pumpkins…just kidding) and needed to get us home. We’re moving tomorrow! YAY!!! Hasta luego nuestras amores.
Love you all,
K3LSO and Kate
PS: Be sure to check out "Domingo Flojo" which accidently got posted below this one. Sorry that there's no pics on it!
See April and I told you that we needed more cow bell, and look what happens....more cow bell!! Each time I read a new post I cannot believe how it gets better and better! Hey Kate, dont mean to throw a wrench in the married thing but your new hubby looks a little too stone! Any way we had the speaker and his wife over today and what a nice afternoon. The Bankson's and The Hazlebush's (minus Art and Isaac, Art hurt his back) The Crist's and Kay Wireman and the two new bros all came. I am glad you are in the right part of town now, and that you two will be able to build on friendships that will last forever! Have fun girls and know we love and miss you!
the poky mom
You guys learn something new everyday. And your uncanny ability to find a Starbucks is a real talent you have used to your best interests! I am glad that you are in a better area, too, and closer to the Kingdom Hall. I talked to the Kiner's tonight Kelsey. They got your email and were just laughing at the thought of you going to a different country, in a big city, and running into people who practically know you already. Chloris has some good stories to tell the McCaslands. Oh, well, actually Terry is the one that said he had some stories to tell:)
Have fun waiting for the telephone man.
The Twin mom
hey kelsey! this is miki. the annoying perhaps soon to be roomate of yourself. So there alot of good looking people there. Bring one back for me, but make sure he isn't OLD! Ha Ha but Irish would be fine-though i wouldn't mind having a man speak french to me 24/7! MMM Anyway hope you're having a blast. Miss's JYSS-SO U HAV TO Dance in a fuente de aguas porque u didnt do it in italy and i want u to do the tango with kate in el marcado not alot goin on here ecpt 4 miki had an encounter w a irish man at fredmyers anyhooow tell ya later involving la tocando de meme and no news frm t frm missoula .habla con tu lata. luv me
Congratulations on your adventures from Rosalia and Bill in Las Vegas! Now that we know about your blog, we will be watching for updates :)
Sweet what an awesome adventure!!! How cool starbucks in mexico & tacos what more could you ask for . Barry , the girls and I went to a huge auction on Saturday , it was a blast . Barry bought some cool machines to add to our home gym. The only bad part is I am as red as a steamed lobster!!!
I love the samples you got at Costco think we could talk ours in to that kind of sampling**LOL**
So do you think we should have your dad wear a cow bell that would be so cute.
I am so glad you are making such memories.
Love you lots, miss u tons!!!
Evil Katie
Buenos noches,
ok so its not night that im writing this but day but im hungry and noches looks like nachos and there u go. es greek no. I can never get my translations down. Well i do have to say reading all of your blogs i need some tequilia some mexican food and a siesta for all the fiesta that is going on. I'm gonna agree with your mom on this but he might have the munchies fairly soon he does look a little stoned not much stay away from the zuccini lattes and may i highly recommend the carmel one. other than that im past the point of starvation and headed towards thinking that this computer is a vending machine that wont give me my darn nachos. I miss ya both and Love hearing of your adventures. cant wait to hear more so for now Adios Mi Amigas. Crystal
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